In answer to a request from the CBD Secretariat, the new ECCO model documents for MDA and MTA have been added to the ABS-Clearing House information resource ‘Model Contractual Clauses, Codes of Conduct, Guidelines, Best Practices and/or Standard’ on October 23, 2020 (ABSCH-A19A20-SCBD-252690-1). These models have been published in Annex to Verkley et al., FEMS Microbiology Letters 367, Issue 5, March 2020, fnaa044.
Model Agreement documents, Codes of Conduct, Best practices
New ECCO model documents for Material Deposit and Transfer Agreements (2020) – check out the dedicated page on this website here
MIRRI Best Practice Manual on Access and Benefit Sharing (Verkley, Martin, Smith 2016) – Developed especially for the practices of culture collections for microorganisms, based on input provided by various ABS experts including representatives of ECCO Corporate Members. A20/ABSCH-A19A20-SCBD-208213.
CETAF Code of Conduct and Best Practices on Access and Benefit Sharing and Material Transfer Agreement Templates ( Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities 2019). – Developed for the practices of natural science collections in the broad sense, and the first best practice to be officially recognized by the European Commission.