• Institution: Micoteca da Universidade do Minho
  • Acronym: MUM
  • Location:
    Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Campus de Gualtar
    4710-057 Braga
  • Website: http://www.micoteca.deb.uminho.pt
  • Correspondent:
    Nelson Lima
    Tel.: + 351 253 604403
    Fax: + 351 253 604429
    e-mail: mum@eccosite.org

Members holdings

Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) is a filamentous fungi culture collection hosted at the Biological Engineering Centre of University of Minho since 1996. The MUM mission is aiming to maintain and supply fungal strains for teaching and research in biotechnology and life sciences, and to become a centre of knowledge, information and training in mycology, in articulation with other national and international collections. MUM is a member of the World Federation for Cultures Collections (WFCC) and is also registered in WDCM (World Data Centre for Microorganisms), BioCase (the Biological Collection Access Service for Europe) and Strain Info.Net.The collection\'s holdings includes some recognised reference strains and mostly isolates derived from research activities, mainly from the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Services offered

  • Supply of cultures to the scientific community, industry and teaching institutions
  • Public and safe deposits
  • Long term preservation
  • Training (individual programmes to fulfill specialised or confidential training needs and advanced courses)
  • Post-graduation studies (MSc, PhD) in mycology related areas are also available


  • Food and beverage mycology and mycotoxins

  • Indoor air quality

  • Emerging techniques in fungal taxonomy and identification - MALDI TOF
  • Preservation and management of microbiological resources

Quality Management System

MUM is certified for the Deposit, Preservation and Supply of Filamentous Fungi by ISO9001:2015