- Institution: Mycotheca Universitatis Taurinensis – University of Torino
- Acronym: MUT
- Location:
Viale P.A. Mattioli 25
10125 Torino
- Website: http://www.mut.unito.it/it
- Correspondent:
Giovanna Cristina Varese
Phone number: +390116705984
Email: mut@eccosite.org
Member holdings
MUT at present preserves about 6300 strains belonging to almost all classes of filamentous fungi and some yeasts belonging to about 1550 species.
Services offered
- Isolation and identification (polyphasic approach) of fungi from different substrates.
- Distribution of fungal cultures for research and biotechnological applications.
- Long term preservation of fungal strains for safe and public deposit.
- Screening and characterization of fungal cultures for useful properties.
- Lyophilization of microorganisms.
- Teaching and training.
- Consultancy service.
- Metabarcoding analysis of fungal communities.
- Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of fungi.
- Ex situ preservation of fungal species belonging to different ecophysiological groups and development of new protocols for their conservation (cryopreservation, liophylization, etc.).
- Isolation of fungi from different natural ant antrophized environments Studies of the mycobiota of extreme and/or polluted environments (metabarcoding, metagenomic and metatranscriptomic)
- Isolation and selection of fungal strains with high degradative capabilities against different pollutants (i.e. plastics, PAHs, PCB, industrial dyes, petroleum, etc.) for bioremediation processes
- Studies on biodegradation and biosorption mechanisms of fungi against different xenobiotics (i.e. PAHs, PCB, industrial dyes, petroleum, etc.).
- Marine fungi mainly from seagrasses and algae.
- Screening of fungi for secondary metabolites productions i.e. enzymes and biosurfactants to be used in different biotransformation processes or metabolites of pharmaceutical interest. Isolation and selection of fungi to be used as Biological Control Agents
Quality Management System
MUT is ISO 9001:2015 certified.