- Role and Practical Application of Regional Culture Collections in Global Challenge Mitigation, Valeri Bagiyan
- Is the occurrence of microorganisms in liquid storage tanks a challenge for cryobanking?, Felizitas Bajerski
- (Dis)closure – The DSMZ as a Patent Depositary & Safe for Microorganisms, Felizitas Bajerski & Kathrin Felsch
- Culture collections on the intersection of microbiome and material research: what can be achieved?, Dennis Enning
- MediaDive: the expert-curated cultivation media database, Julia Koblitz
- The CCCryo: A bioresource of extremophiles for basic and applied research topics, Thomas Leya
- How IS_MIRRI21 H2020 Project paved the MIRRI-ERIC: The Current State of the Art, Nelson Lima
- The Relevance of Culture Collections within the scope of the Revised (2022) International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes, Edward R. B. Moore
- Next-generation cancer models – a human stem cellbased model for retinoblastoma, Laura Steenpass
- Amazing microorganisms photo exhibition and other tools: how to map the real knowledge of civil society and interact with it in terms of microbiological literacy, Giovanna C. Varese
- Research with strain collections: The advantage of strain multitudes using the example of diagnostics of fungal infections, Kerstin Voigt