
Welcome to ECCO XLI – 2023
The impact of microbial resources in healthcare, agriculture and ecology


The BCCM Consortium is delighted to invite you to the 41st ECCO meeting in Brussels, Belgium, from 19th to 22nd of September 2023!

ECCO XLI is organised back to back with the celebration of 40 years BCCM, so we happily invite all ECCO participants to also join us at our anniversary event on 19th of September. Together, we will attend a scientific symposium, as well as the official opening of the BCCM expo.

For the first time, ECCO will be assigning grants to a selected number of young scientists to support them in attending the scientific meeting.

This year’s venue is the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, a renowned research institute as well as a stunning public museum. This inspiring location will take you from the very macroscopic world of dinosaurs to the microscopic world of our beloved micro-organisms, and back.

Welcome to Brussels!

The organising committee