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Registration for ECCO XLII is now open!

We are very pleased to announce that the XLII European Culture Collections’ Organisation (ECCO) meeting will be held in the amazing city of Bari (Apulia region, Southern Italy), from 18 to 20 September 2024. The ECCO meeting is organised by the Institute of Sciences of Food Production of the National […]

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The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting

Arising from discussions at the 2023 State of the World’s Plants and Fungi symposium, the ‘2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting’ contains five commitments towards filling key knowledge gaps in plant and fungal diversity, through collaborative and targeted collecting and research activities. Download the full declaration from the […]

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Venue & Date Presentations Social Poster Back to ECCO XLI . . Tuesday 19 September MALDI-TOF MS workshopSciensano, 14 rue Juliette Wytsman, 1050 Brussels 9:00: Welcome coffee & registration9:30: Introduction and MALDI-TOF MS basics in microbiologyPierre Becker (BCCM-IHEM, Belgium)9:50: Implementation of MALDI-TOF MS in the day-to-day operation of the BCCM/LMG […]

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Programs Presentations Social Poster Back to ECCO XLI . The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences While its well known for its dinosaur hall, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is much more than its popular museum. It is also a research institute and it manages world-class natural sciences […]

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ECCO XLI. Brussels, Belgium

Venue & Date Programs Presentations Social Poster . Welcome to ECCO XLI – 2023The impact of microbial resources in healthcare, agriculture and ecology Presentation The BCCM Consortium is delighted to invite you to the 41st ECCO meeting in Brussels, Belgium, from 19th to 22nd of September 2023! ECCO XLI is organised back to […]

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The Future is Fungi Award

The Future is Fungi Award honors frontier and cutting-edge science and innovation on how to use fungi for the environmental solutions that the world needs.Are you ready to lead the way?   Learn more at www.futureisfungi.org!  The application period is open from on September 5th until October the 15th. The winner will receive EUR 10 000 + […]

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