- Collection name: Culture collection of microorganisms of Czech Agrifood Research Center
- Acronym: VURV
- WDCM number: 1236
- Institution: Czech Agrifood Research Center (Národní centrum zemědělského a potravinářského výzkumu, v.v.i.) (before 1 January 2025 – Crop Research Institute – Výzkumný ústav rostlinné výroby, v. v. i.)
- Location:
Drnovská 507/73
161 06 Praha 6 – Ruzyně
Czech Republic - Website: https://www.carc.cz/culturecollection/
- Correspondent:
Dr. David Novotný (head), Dr. Petr Komínek (deputy head)
Phone number: +420 233 022 373 (dr. D. Novotný), +420 233 022 442 (dr. P. Komínek)
Email: collection@carc.cz
Member holdings
At present time, the collection holds more than 90 isolates of viruses, more than 810 strains of bacteria, more than 2200 strains of fungi and microorganisms similar to fungi (Oomycota). Majority of strains originate from the Czech Republic.
VURV consists of six subcollections:
- Collection of plant pathogenic viruses – acronym: VURV-V – curator: Dr. Jana Brožová
- Collection of biotrophic fungi – acronym: VURV-A – curator: Dr. Alena Hanzalová
- Collection of phytopathogenic and agriculturally beneficial bacteria – acronym: VURV-B – curator: Dr. Iveta Pánková
- Collection of Soil Bacteria – acronym: VURV-R – curator: Dr. Veronika Řezáčová
- Collection of edible and medicinal macromycetes – acronym: VURV-M – curator: Dr. Irena Petrželová
- Collection of agriculturally important fungi – acronym: VURV-F – curator: Dr. David Novotný
Services offered
- Supply of strains (freeze-dried bootles, living culture)
- Deposit of strains for public access
- Safe storage of customers’ cultures
- Service lyophilization of customers’ cultures (freeze-dried bottles)
- Identification of filamentous fungi
- Consulting service (taxonomy of filamentous fungi, their isolation, cultivation, identification and long-term storage; safety of work with microorganisms)
- Biodiversity, ecology and other aspects of phytopathogenic fungi and other fungi associated with plants and edible and medicinal mushrooms.
- Diversity, characterization, and ecology of phytopathogenic and agriculturally beneficial strains of bacteria isolated from different environments.
- The potential use of symbiotic N-fixing bacteria in ecologization of agricultural production.
- The collection of biotrophic fungi is linked to research on varietal resistance of host cereals and resistance genes to rusts identification. It is also related to the epidemiological studies of rust populations.
- Genomics of plant viruses – their diversity, characterisation, strain identification, detection methods development and validation.
- Diversity and cultivation of fungi of genera Morchella and Verpa.